Tuesday, April 29, 2014

RBC basketball

During high school i would never want to go to the basketball games, i would go to some of the football games but not the basketball games. Its not like my school was terrible we were ranked pretty high in the nationals. When i got to college the peer pressure was real. Every one kept talking about how good the team was. At first i was like okay okay shut up i don't care. But then one day my friends forced me to go to a game with them. When i got there i was just bitter and angry. I did not want to be there. Everyone was all loud and rowdy, which seemed to piss me off even more. But then a miracle happened. i actually payed attention to the game and it wasn't that bad. As soon as i noticed i was cheering and being rowdy just like everyone else. I actually enjoyed myself, and even though every kept telling me how good we are i was shocked myself. Go statesman!

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